Daily Archives: 30. juni 2015

On our way home yesterday, we stopped at Kvadrat (Square), one of Norway's largest shopping centers. The girls wanted to spend some time there to do some shopping. I had promised Olav to get home in time for the evening milking, so we had plenty of time.


On this shopping, I saved a lot of money!

20150629_113753I looked at some beautiful earrings I liked very much, but then I thought about this; I have a couple at home that I have not used yet. I have to use them before I add any to my collection.


At the book store there were a lot of new and interesting books. I love to read, and several of the books tempted - but I have two books on the nightstand at home that I have not read yet, and a girlfriend has a big shelf full of books that she has offered me to borrow. Thus, no new books for me today.

There is a shop there that sells the most beautiful dresses you can imagine. Especially beautiful. Such as we use when we're going to weddings, and like young girls are wearing when they go to their ball. I love to look at those gorgeous dresses, but do not know if some occasions where I could have used them myself. A lady tried to take selfies of herself in a dress. I offered to take pictures of her so that the entire dress would show. She gave me her cell phone, and I took some pictures - as I commented on how beautiful the dress was on her.

At Cubus they had some cosmetics on sale. I found a few little things that I needed, but the queue was so long at the cashier that I put everything back.

In the music store, I asked for seals for my accordion. I've been looking for them for many years. They did not have any but could order them for me. Well - then I can order them online myself.

On "Obs" they had various types of bluetooth headphones.1373959567703 It would be nice to have when I work outdoors. Then I could listened to music while I work without a cord hanging. But then I thought that what makes me enjoy working out is that it gives me peace to think. I like to have time to be by myself. Time to go alone and ponder life. If I were working with music in my ears, I would lose the peace and joy that I'm so fond of.

20150629_114058There are so many stores there, and so much to see that makes me completely exhausted! Store sales signs everywhere: 20%, 30%, 50%, Take 3 - Pay for 2, half price ... I get tired by just standing outside of the stores and looking in at all these things. Clothing in perpetuity! I do not understand how all these stores will be able to sell all of it !! It is enough for me to be a windowshopper!

But I did some shopping at the end; a package raisin buns and chocolate buns, and a Coke that could keep me awake for the rest of the trip home. After all this shopping, I'm pretty pleased with myself! And grateful. Grateful for all the beauty I can rejoice to LOOK at, but that I do not NEED to buy.

På veg hjem i går stoppet vi på Kvadrat, et av Norges største kjøpesenter. Jentene hadde lyst til å gå en liten runde der og kikke. Jeg hadde lovet Olav å komme hjem tidsnok til å ta kveldstellet i fjøset, så vi hadde god tid.


På den handleturen sparte jeg mange kroner!

20150629_113753Først kikket jeg på noen vakre øredobber jeg kunne tenkt meg, men så tenkte som så; Jeg har flere par hjemme som jeg ikke har brukt enda. Jeg får bruke dem før jeg kjøper noen nye til samlingen min.

Hos bokhandleren lå det mange nye og spennende bøker. Jeg elsker å lese, og flere av bøkene fristet, - men jeg har to bøker på nattbordet hjemme jeg ikke har lest, og en venninne har en stor hylle full av bøker hun har sagt jeg kan få komme og låne av. Dermed ble det ikke noen nye bøker på meg.

Det er en butikk på Kvadrat som selger de vakreste kjoler en kan tenke seg. Spesielt vakre. Slike en går med i bryllup, og som unge jenter bruker på ball. Jeg elsker å se på de nydelige plaggene, men vet ikke om noen anledninger jeg kunne ha brukt dem i selv. En voksen dame prøvde å ta selfies av seg selv i en kjole. Jeg tilbød meg å ta bilder av henne slik at hele kjolen ville vise. Hun gav meg mobilen, og jeg knipset i veg - mens jeg kommenterte hvor vakker kjolen var på henne.

På Cubus hadde de en del kosmetikk på salg. Jeg fant meg et par småting der jeg hadde brukt for, men det var så lang kø i kassen at jeg gikk tilbake med alt sammen.

I musikkforretningen spurte jeg etter seler til trekkspillet mitt. Det har jeg lett etter i mange år. De hadde ikke inne, men kunne bestille til meg. Vel, - greitt nok, men da kan jeg like godt bestille på nettet selv.

På Obs hadde de ulike typer bluetooth hodetelefoner. D1373959567703et hadde vært litt praktisk når jeg er ute og arbeider. Da kunne jeg hørt på musikk mens jeg arbeidet uten at ledningen hang i vegen. Men så tenkte jeg på det, at noe av det som gjør at jeg liker å arbeide ute, er at det gir meg ro til å tenke. Jeg liker å få tid til å være for meg selv. Tid til å gå alene og fundere over livet. Dersom jeg skulle gått med musikk i ørene da, så hadde jeg mistet den roen og gleden.

20150629_114058Det er så mange butikker der, og så mye å se på at jeg blir helt matt! Store salgsskilt over alt: 20%, 30%, 50%, Ta 3 - betal for 2, halv pris... Jeg blir sliten bare av å stå på utsiden av butikkene og SE på alt sammen. Klær i det uendelige! Jeg forstår ikke hvordan de ulike butikkene skal klare å få solgt alt sammen!! Jeg har nok med å være vinduskikker!

Men jeg fikk handlet litt til slutt; en pakke rosinboller og en med sjokoladeboller, og en Cola som kunne holde meg våken på resten av turen hjem. Etter denne handlerunden er jeg ganske fornøyd med meg selv! Og takknemlig. Takknemlig for alt det vakre jeg kan glede meg over å SE på, men som jeg ikke TRENGER å måtte kjøpe.

Now we are traveling HOME from Jæren, but on Saturday we were on the road HOME TO Jæren. Where exactly is Home?


I have many places that are "Home." First and foremost, where I now live, a home my husband and I have built together ourselves - from the first housedrawings to logging in the forests, excavation of land, construction of housing and furnishing. There I have my family, and many good memories in every corner of the house. It is my home. Home number one!

But there is also a "Coming home" when I`m traveling to Jæren - the place where I grew up. Home to mom and dad. Home and get pampered. Home and be "child" in the house again.

When we have been on holiday abroad, we shall "Home to Norway!" When we can look into the fjord, islands and mountains from the airplane window - then we are back home. Although we enjoy ourselves on vacation, and we are delighted to see new and beautiful places - it`s still nowhere that rivals with "home!"

Now I have been away from home for three days. Although a lot has happened these days - that I have not got time to long for my husband, I know, however, that it will be good to come home again to him. Get able to add my arms around his neck, and know that this is where I belong. He and I. The two of us together. Wherever we are, I have a sense of "being at home" when we have each other. It's good to have one that's my, to belong together with.

The last home is that I have in heaven. Home with Jesus. Grandmother was always singing about heaven, and spoked often about how well we would get it when we got there. She's probably helped to create heaven longing in me. The dream and the hope of the good that awaits me. Death is not an enemy, but a friend who will lead me home. But still ... ..

One of my uncles died shortly after Christmas last year. He had had cancer for a long time. He was ready. Ready to die, - ready to go HOME. He was peaceful all the time, until he died. Although it was a sad farewell for the family, who wanted to have him longer among them, there was also a goodbye with hope. A farewell that left a longing and an empty space, but not bottomless despair.

Another elderly woman in our family, has also battled with cancer for years. Now she has received her final cure, and the doctors say that there is no more they could do for her. She has already survived more than four years on "overtime." We can see that the death soon will obtain her, even though we do not quite know when. But she is not ready. She has so much she wants to live for: a grandson who soon will be married, a single son who needs her, a retarded foster daughter she still provides daily care. She desperately wants to live. She prays, and we pray both for and with her - to be healed. That God would give her a little more time.

I do understand her. Yet, -  I feel a sort of pain over that she is unable to reconcile hereself with the fact that she should take the last part of the "journey home" now. It will be more painful, both for her and for her family when her last breath will be taken.

I also want to live. Life has so much to give me - and I still have so much to live for. I'm young, and there is not any indication that I do not have many years ahead of me yet. I am happy to have my home, my life with my husband and my children, that I can both work and rest. Every day I see as a gift. A gift I accept with gratitude. But I am also grateful that death does not scare me. Maybe it's just easy for me to say now, when death does not feels near me. What if I became seriously ill? Will I feel it the same way, or will death be something scary then? I do not know. What future will bring is in Jesu hands. I live today, and today I am happy and thankful for the day I've got, and that I can live without fear of death. Today I can say with Paul:


Philippians 1:21